
Vitamins & Classification of vitamins and Types of vitamins


Vitamin word is derived from 'vital + amine' it means such amines which is vital but, now a day such vitamins are also identified which are not amines.

Vitamins are the organic compounds required in small amount in our diet, But their deficiency causes specific diseases. Most of the vitamins can't be synthesized in our body, But plants can synthesized almost all of them.

The bacteria of the gut can produce some of the vitamins required by humans. All the vitamins are generallly available in our diet. vitamins are deignated by alphabets A,B,C,D,E etc.. Excess of vitamins is also harmful and vitamins tablets should not be taken without the advice of doctor.

Table of Contents


In 1910 the first vitamin complex was isolated by Japanese Scientist UMETARO SUZUKI, Who success in extracting a water soluble complex of micronutrients from rice bran and named it arabic acid. He published this discovery in a Japanese scientific journal.

The discovery of the vitamins was a major scientific achievements in our understanding of Health and disease.

Classification of vitamins

Vitamins are classified into two groups ;-

1.Fat soluble vitamins :- These vitamins are soluble in oil and fats & are insoluble in water.Vitamin A,D,E & K are the example of this group.These are stored in liver and adipose tissue in which these are stored are called adepose.

2.Water soluble vitamins :- These vitamins are water soluble these comes out from the body along with the excreation.Vitamin-B & Vitamin-C are the example of water soluble vitamins.Therefore,we have take them daily in food sources of vitamins and diseases caused due to their deficiency are described.

Difference between fat and water soluble vitamin

Types of vitamins

Chemical Name :- Retinol
Chemical Formula :- C20H30O
Functions :- Anti-xerophthalmic,Synthesis of retinal pigments,Promotes normal vision,Growth of bones & teeth,Maintenance of epithelia {prevention of keratinisation},Anti-infective.
Deficiency :- Xerophthalmia,Night-blindness,Keratomalacia {dermatosis,toad skin},Impairment of respiratory and urogenital tract epithelia,Stunted growth.
Source :- Carotene in green & yellow vegetables {carrot,lettuce,cabbage,tomato},Mango,
Orange and as such in Milk,Butter,Ghee,Egg,Yolk,Livercud and Shark liver oil.
Chemical Name :- Ergocalciferol 
Chemical Formula :- C28H44O 
Functions :- Antirachitic,Absorption & retention of calcium and Phosphorus,Growth & maintenance of bone.
Deficiency :- Rickets in childrens,Osteomalacia in adults,Weak-soft bones,Skeletal distortions,Poor muscle development.
Source :- Sunshine {human body synthesis},Cod & Shark liver oil,Chicken,Egg,Yolk,Milk,Butter.
Chemical Name :- Tocopherol 
Chemical Formula :- C29H50O2 
Functions :- Antisterility factor,Antioxidative for membrane lipids,Skin {reduce keratinisation} and hair,Reduce atherosclerosis,Inhibits oxidation of vitamin-A and unsaturated fatty acids.
Deficiency :- Erythrocyte breakdown {anaemia},Muscular dystrophy {cramps},Miscarriage and reduced fertility.
Source :- Green vegetables,Oils,Milk,Cheese,Butter,Eggs.
Chemical Name :- Phylloquinone
Chemical Formula :- C31H46O2  
Functions :- Anti-hemorrhagic factor,Factor for synthesis of prothrombin {hence essential for blood coagulation},Liver functioning.
Deficiency :- Prolonged bleeding {bleeding diseases} "or" Haemorrhages,Liver malfunctioning.
Source :- Green vegetables,Tomato colon bacteria.
Chemical Name :- Thiamine
Chemical Formula :- C12H17N4OS+
Functions :- Antineuritic,Antibacterial,Component of TPP {cocarboxylase},Functioning of muscles & nerves.
Deficiency :- Anorexia,Muscular atrophy,Beri-beri in humans and Polyneuritis in animals.
Source :- Yeast,Whole grains {cereals,dried beans},Egg yolk,Pork meat.
Chemical Name :- Riboflavin
Chemical Formula :- C17H20N4O6 
Functions :- Maintenance of skin and Oral mucosa,Component of FMN {flavin mononucleotide} & FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) {in oxidative phosphorylation},Antimigraine.
Deficiency :- Cheilosis,Glossitis,intolerance to light,Headache,Mental depression and Digestion disorders.
Source :- Yeast,Green vegetables,Milk,Curd,Cheese,Eggs,
Chemical Name :- Niacin
Chemical Formula :- C6H5NO2 
Functions :- Formation of coenzyme-A,Required in cell respiration,Functioning of skin and nerves.
Deficiency :- Gastro-intestinal disorders,Graying of hair in animals,Burning feet syndrome.
Source :- Yeast,Milk,Wheat bran,Pulses,Liver,Colon bacteria.
Chemical Name :- Pantothenic acid
Chemical Formula :- C9H17NO5 
Functions :- Anti-pellagra,Component of NAD+,NADP+,Energy transfer and nervous system.
Deficiency :- Pellagra,Crnine black tongue disease,Scaly pigmented skin,irritation to gastrointestinal tract {diarrhoea}.
Source :- Yeast,Pulses,Green vegetables,Cereals,Milk,Egg yolk,Liver,Fish,Meat,intestinal bacteria,Also synthesis from tryptophan.
Chemical Name :- Pyridoxine
Chemical Formula :- C8H11NO3
Functions :- Component of coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate,
Deficiency :- Anaemia,Neuritic pain,Convulsions,Skin lesions impairment of antibody synthesis.
Source :- Yeast,Green vegetables,Egg yolk,Wheat germ,Liver.
Chemical Name :- Biotin
Chemical Formula :- C10H16N2O3S
Functions :- Prosthetic group of some enzymes in energy liberation,Carboxylation {CO2 fixation},Transamination,Protein and fat synthesis,Avidin of raw egg white prevents biotin absorption.
Deficiency :- Dermatitis,Anorexia,
Muscular pain,Rice in blood cholesterol,Scaly skin and Weakness.
Source :- Yeast,Vegetables,Fruits,Egg yolk,Colon bacteria.
Chemical Name :- Folic acid "or" Folate
Chemical Formula :- C19H19N7O6 
Functions :- Required in erythrocyte maturation,DNA & RNA Synthesis,Transfer of methyl groups.
Deficiency :- Megaloblastic or Macrocytic anaemia,Malformed RBCs,impairment of antibody synthesis,Stunted growth,Gastrointestinal disorders,Glossitis,Cleft palate.
Source :- Leafy vegetables,Egg yolk,Colon bacteria,Liver.
Chemical Name :- Cyanocobalamin
Chemical Formula :- C63H88CON14O14P
Functions :- Required for erythrocyte maturation,DNA Synthesis,Myelin formation.
Deficiency :- Pernicious anaemia with large immature nucleated RBCs,Devoid of haemoglobin,Glossitis,Loss of peripheral sensation.
Source :- Milk,Eggs,Liver,Fish,Colon bacteria.
Chemical Name :- Ascorbic acid
Chemical Formula :- C6H8O
Functions :- Absorption of iron,Formation of dentine collagen and bone matrix,Amino acid oxidation,Antioxidant,Recovery from toxicity and burns.
Deficiency :- Scurvy,Stiff sore joints,Fragile blood vessels and bones,Delayed wound healing.
Source :- Citrus fruits,Guava,Tomato,Amla,Mango,


Which vitamin is responsible for hair growth.?

Vitamin-H or Biotin is responsible for hair growth.

Vitamin-H is also known as.?

Vitamin-H is also known as Biotin or vitamin-B7 & it is responsible for hair growth.

Which vitamin is also known as vitamin-PP.?

Niacin "or" Vitamin-B is known as vitamin-PP,because an acronym for pellagra prevention.

Vitamin-M is also known as.?

Vitamin-M is also known as Folic acid or vitamin-B9 or Folate.

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