Kidney in detail & Functions of kidney


Kidney is one of the organ of the Human Excreatory System. the outer layer of kidney is a tough capsule.inside the kidney,there are two zones,an outer Cortex and inner Medulla. Each kidney of an adult human is about 10-12cm in length,5-7cm in width,2-3cm in thickness. An Average Weight of 120-170 g. Kidney are reddish brown in colour. Each kidney has nearly one million complex tubular structures called Nephrons.

Functions of kidney

1. It excreates nitrogenous waste and other excreatory substances from the body.
2. It maintains the amount of water in the body.
3. It controls hydrogen ion concentration [ph] of the body.
4. It maintains the amount of mineral salts in the blood.
5. It excreates toxic substances from the body.
6. It controls blood pressure.
7. It synthesizes an erythroprotein which help in the formation of R.B.Cs in bone-marrow.
8. It activates vitamin-D.
9. Kidney's secreate an enzyme renin which plays an important role in the reabsorption of NA+ in the ascending limb of the loop of henle.


What is main function of kidney.?

The main function of kidney is excreats nitrogenous waste from the body.

What is the colour of kidney.?

The Colour of kidney is Reddish brown.

What no of nephron present in each kidney.?

In each kidney has nearly 1 million nephrons are present.

What is the weight of kidney.?

The average weight of kidney is 120-170 g.

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